Thursday, 27 March 2014

To Shape A Single Leaf

Primitive Motion recently recorded the following new pieces for broadcast on the excellent Ears Have Ears program on FBI Radio, Sydney:
   EHE 20.03.2014 - Primitive Motion (BRIS) - For Ears Have Ears by Ears Have Ears

Tracks: To Shape a Single Leaf, Atom Tune, Cellular Life, Twine Towards Them, Question D

Image:  Sandra Selig, courtesy Sarah Cottier Gallery

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Strange Attractor

                                      Episode 59: Leighton Craig; High Beamz by livedelay

Recorded for 4ZZZ at the Waiting Room by Josh Watson,  14 Feb 2014
Check out other shows on Live Delay here
For a free copy of  Leighton's set email
audience l to r: glen schenau, josh watson
photo: s selig