Saturday, 21 December 2013

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Tuesday, 3 December 2013

                                                                                                              Pottsville, 1 December 2013

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

He Knows The Air

Fig.'s posthumous 7" is available for pre-order now, and we're proud to say it's the first release on soon-to-be-everyone's favourite label Eternal Soundcheck Records.  

You all know Matt Kennedy as the crooning champ behind Kitchen's Floor, host of the legendary house/venue 116, ubiquitous cameraman/documentarian of aus new punk, drive time radio anchor at public radio 4zzz and rocketing entrepreneur of an online store that's causing seismic activity on the dow jones.  

Look, the guy's solid ok, and he's gone and parted company with his hard-fought dough to get 50 copies of Fig.1 hand cut onto PVC at Melbourne's new Small Run record distillery. To seal the deal, we are also hand making the covers.

Fig. live at Real Bad. Photo Glen Schenau
The platter captures three improvised songs at the point of conception. "Here Comes the Bird", "Bone Dust" and "Points in Space". No discussion, no overdubs, no production.  Just jams. These songs later became live favourites, but Fig. was all about the moment, making rhythms and letting songs (and lyrics) flow out of them.  I think the tracks on this record tell the story.   

Anyhow, did I mention numbered edn of 50? Amazing sound quality by Small Run. And only 12 bucks? Don't dick around. Get it here

Monday, 23 September 2013

Worlds Floating By

Primitive Motion's "Worlds Floating By" LP was released today.

The album was recorded over a couple of afternoons in Joel Stern's studio/lounge back in Dec 2011/Jan 2012 - we've had this one on the go for while!

Recorded live and captured beautifully by Mr Stern with a few overdubs by team PM, some guest beats from our pal Edmund Xavier and post-toasting by Lawrence English. 

You can get it from Bedroom Suck Records or from us below.

That's producer Stern checking his emails while we slaved away. Several other folks swung by during the recording - Sky Needle had a band meeting, our film making friend Audrey Lam was there, and resident-in-suffering Josh Watson endured repeat plays through the floorboards during mixing. And more still. Good memories - here it finally is!

Includes Postage

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Saturday, 8 June 2013

for John Henry Calvinist

Videoed at Real Bad, Moorooka by Leif Gifford. From the final Lost Domain show, dedicated to David.

Saturday, 1 June 2013

60 Seconds Over Goatyville

Primitive Motion has a new track on the Modern Duets flexi compilation released by Californian label Goaty Tapes. The compilation features 5 duos from across the globe paying tribute to various sculptural busts in a series of 1 minute instrumentals.

The flexi comes attached to the front of a handsomely bound booklet with a hole through the centre that lets you spin the book while you play yr flexi. You heard it sister! We haven't got spares, so you can get it straight from the Goat man Zully Adler. Comes with download code so no complaints from chumps who can't spin it. Ok? Here's PM getting jiggy with Arp's Bird-Man: 

and Sea Urchin (Germany) toasting Modigliani.

p.s. - there are other ace contributions from Control Unit (Italy), Half High (Aus) and Soviet Pop (China).  It gonna make you feel good.

p.p.s. while on the subject of 1 minute songs, me still fondly recalls getting the 7" Drag City comp of Xpressway artists I Hear the Devil Calling Me back in '91. It remains my favourite compilation to this day, amidst stiff competition from other Xpressway hoedowns. I know the universe is a mysterious place, but I'm still amazed/hurt to see 20 well priced copies of this wunder wachs for sale via Discogs. While it's befuddling to contemplate who could possibly sell their copy, and I trust no great misfortune has befallen them on life's complex journey, that's not for you to worry about my friend - giddy up and get one!  

p.p.p.e.s.p - And of course the seminal D.N.E. LP 47 Songs Humans Shouldn't Sing came out the same year, sparkling with perfectly formed sub-sixty-second diamonds. While the original LP is long out of print, Ahipara's favourite son Stefan Neville has reported finding mint copies every few weeks - one behind the change sheds at Ngawha hot springs, another left on the counter of a Ngarawahia fish and chipper. Sadly, we are not all so well attuned to the location defining vibrations emitted from certain spiritually encoded 'lost' vinyl (the art of which is referred to by the chosen as ESV or Extra Sensory Vinyl-divining). I respectfully suggest ye of the 'ungifted' procure the Room 40 CD reissue pronto before it disappears too.  

Friday, 31 May 2013


Ten years ago today Eugene and I amped our casio keyboards in the former Bellas Gallery on Robertson Road, New Farm and jammed a set of pieces that became our first release.

The proceedings were captured on cassette via my Sony Walkman and we released the edited recordings on a Kindling 3"cdr a few months later.

It was to be the first in a trilogy of 3"cdrs we released that year, with The Hunter Constellation Session and Community of Opposites following a few months later. Here's a free download. Enjoy!

Monday, 11 March 2013

A Navigator's Tome

scribed inside my eyelids, a navigator's tome, trajectories + hidden paths, 
cartography of home

Monday, 21 January 2013

Here I Give Thanks to Agnes Martin


Music and video recorded by Leighton Craig, 15 January, 2013 at Piha, New Zealand. 

Thanks to Dean Roberts.